Award-Winning and Best Selling Author
Stacey Haynes

Stacey Haynes is an award-winning, and best-selling author. She has always enjoyed reading and writing romance stories beginning with her first story in 6th grade. Her dream has always been to have one of her books published, and now she has several, including a poem about her most disliked food, Peas!
She won her first writing contest when she and her sister, Marie, entered their story The Magic of a Billionaire into an online writing contest on www.ajoara.com – and their story won 1st place!
She considers herself a hopeless romantic and tries to find the best in others. She loves to write in her spare time to relax after a hard day at work.
Stacey lives in Utah with her wonderful husband and three adorable children, who are her biggest supporters. She hopes to have more books published in her lifetime. You can follow her adventures on:
Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/Staceybuns1969
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/Staceybuns1969/